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16/01/2025 10:14:57

1. How many FOREX Accounts can I have?
  • You can have ONLY THREE (03) FOREX Live Accounts (leverage fixed at 500)
  • Please ensure the first account has at least a balance of USD100 to create a second live account. Similarly, you have to ensure the second account has at least a balance of USD100 to create the third live account.
2. How is a copy trading account created without the necessity of opening a separate account?
  • A copy trading account will be automatically generated once you begin following a trader, eliminating the need to open a separate account.
  • The minimum amount required is $100
  • You can have a maximum SIX (06) COPY TRADING Accounts active. (leverage fixed at 500)


3. I have no idea how to do this copy trade setting. How to do it? What are the differences between these 4 options?


It's up to your own preference and risk appetite.

  • Close all positions and suspend - All your positions will be closed and you will receive notification. Also, the copy trade will be suspended until you manually resume it. (example: if the Trader you follow has 5 active positions, all the positions will be closed until you resume it)
  • Close all losing positions and suspend - All your losing positions will be closed and you will receive notification. Also, the copy trade will be suspended until you manually resume it.

      (example: if the Trader you follow has 5 active positions, only the losing position will be closed and the remaining 4 positions still be ongoing)

  • Cancel copy - The current copy trade will be cancelled and all positions will be closed. You will need to 'copy now' to recopy the trader.

      (example: if the Trader you follow has 5 active positions, all positions will be closed and will automatically exited from this Trader)


Additional info :

  • You will receive a notification on the top right "mailbox" of DecodeEX once the TP/SL is set.
  • Floating P&L is included
  • Option 2 and 3 will not impact the High Water Mark. However, users can continue copy trading by clicking a button next to "Copy Now". This button will only appear when copy trading is initiated. If the button is not clicked, new orders will not be copied.


4. How do I open DEMO Accounts?
  • You are no longer required to create or set up DEMO Accounts.
  • You can find this under the accounts section.
  • You can have Up to ONE (01) DEMO account (leverage fixed at 500)


5. How do I apply to become a Signal Trader and how many Signal Trader Accounts can I have?
  • Go to Copy Trading and select "Apply To Trader".
  • Input all necessary information and CONFIRM.
  • You can only have ONE (01) Signal Trader Account.


6. What are the commissions for Copy Trading?

The Trader level is based on the performance of the Trader’s trading signals and copy trade accounts. The higher the level, the better the performance. DecodeEX will take 10% of the profit as the platform fee. Based on the Trader’s level, the share profits will be different.

  • Top Level: Trader 20%, Client 70%
  • Super Level: Trader 15%, Client 75%
  • High Level: Trader 10%, Client 80%
  • General Level: Trader 5%, Client 85%